Turtle 1.2

Mapping Texts

Read in OGC GeoPackages as RDF data

Get started with GeoSPARQL using OGC GeoPackages.

Generate RDF quads from a MS Access database

Using Webfinger on a static webhost to let people find you on Mastodon

Mastodon uses the Webfinger protocol to find users on a domain. Even on statically hosted websites, like GitHub Pages, you can put the configuration files in the right place to be findable per domain name.

Wat is kennis?

How to deploy VocBench3 with Docker

Wat ik geïnstalleerd heb op m’n nieuwe werk-Windows-pc

FYI on Jena from Powershell

Beware of this encoding caveat when working with Jena.

Museomix 2019: Terhulpen

A Linked data view on blog posts

With Jekyll and the Liquid templating language, we can easily make a Linked data view on the posts of the blog.

UI-vertalingen in het Nederlands

Linked Spatial Data

Ik bezocht de SDI Next-bijeenkomst over gelinkte ruimtelijke data. Een verslag met uitgelicht wat ik leuk vind.

Thanks, Charazani

For my fieldwork research on Quechua in Charazani, Bolivia, I am grateful for all help I got from the people there. A personal thanks.

Brabantse erfgoedontmoeting 2018

Aafswaard →

Greek etymology: ‘hádrynsis’

S.G. Clercx